Lightyear offers price alerts and volatility alerts, providing insights into price movements for the instruments you hold or watch. While both notify you, they serve different purposes – price alerts inform you of specific price levels being reached, whereas volatility alerts highlight significant fluctuations in price over a given period.
Note that at this time, neither are available on our web platform.
Price alerts
You can get notified when a stock or ETF hits a price level you’ve set. It only takes a few steps:
- Click on your chosen instrument
- Hit the bell icon on the top left of the page
- Set the price you want to be alerted about by dragging the bar, or use the keypad to type it in
The price alert is a one-time notification. Once triggered, it will be disabled, and you'll need to set a new one if needed.
Volatility alerts
Price movements are a natural occurrence for all stocks, ETFs and any other type of exchange traded security. Volatility alerts are designed to inform customers of larger than usual price movements. There are many reasons why a price may change significantly, including dividend ex dates, other corporate actions, general market movements, etc.
These notifications are indicative and are only informative. They are not intended for action or to cause panic. Trying to time the market is riskier than continuous investing and investing in highly volatile stocks can be higher risk.
To receive volatility alerts, it only takes a few steps:
- Navigate to your profile
- Select Settings
- Select Notifications
See also: Lightning Updates