Key Information Documents

Upon purchasing shares or units in investment funds (such as ETFs and MMFs) or other packaged retail investment products, we provide you with a key information document (KID) of that respective instrument - a short document providing a concise overview of the specific fund or instrument you are about to purchase. Such KIDs are drafted and maintained by the fund manager or product manufacturer that has also created the respective instrument.
Lightyear generally makes such KIDs available to you in English. Although this is not something we can guarantee, KIDs are usually available also in languages other than English but the language coverage differs depending on the specific instrument. Below we have gathered links to fund managers' websites (who offer funds that are available via Lightyear) where you can browse and read KIDs in other languages as well.


iShares ETFs, MMFs and other available instruments together with KIDs are available via BlackRock's website here: Make sure to select the jurisdiction whose language you are interested in and then find the relevant KID either via the Products or Education tab.


Vanguard ETFs together with KIDs are available here: You can choose the desired jurisdiction in the top section of the website.

State Street Global Advisors SPDR

SPDR ETFs together with KIDs are available here: You can choose the desired jurisdiction in the top section of the website.

Amundi & Lyxor

Both Amundi and Lyxor ETFs are available together with KIDs here: You can choose the desired jurisdiction in the top section of the website.


LGIM ETFs are available together with KIDs here: You can choose the desired jurisdiction in the top section of the website.


VanEck ETF KIDs are available here: You can choose the desired jurisdiction in the top section of the website.


BNP Paribas

ETFs are available together with KIDs here: Make sure to select the desired jurisdiction!
Those links include quite a bit of reading, don't they?