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What’s the current market cap for Inditex stock?
Inditex (ITX) has a market cap of €145B as of September 09, 2024.
What is the P/E ratio for Inditex stock?
The price to earnings (P/E) ratio for Inditex (ITX) stock is 26.25 as of September 09, 2024.
Does Inditex stock pay dividends?
Yes, the Inditex (ITX) stock pays dividends to shareholders. As of September 09, 2024, the dividend rate is €1.1097 and the yield is 2.39%. Inditex has a payout ratio of 0% on a trailing twelve-month basis.
When is the next Inditex dividend payment date?
The next Inditex (ITX) dividend payment date is unconfirmed.
What is the beta indicator for Inditex?
Inditex (ITX) has a beta rating of 1.08. This means that it is more volatile than the market, on average. A beta of 1 would indicate the stock moves in-line with the market, while a beta of 2 would indicate the stock moves twice as much as the market.