Businesses in IrelandPut your capital to work

Earn interest on your corporate cash in our easy access business accounts
Tried and trusted
2,000+ companies across Europe use Lightyear
Ready Player Me
Follows the
European Central Bank
We pass interest back to your business at the ECB rate, minus a flat 0.75% fee.
Hold your corporate cash in 3 different currencies (EU, USD, GBP) and generate interest in all of them.
No minimums
No maximums
From €1 to infinity. We don't limit the amount of money you can add to your business account.
Tools for your business
Managing your company’s finances has never been easier.
Interest3,500+ Stocks and ETFsLEI registrationAutomatic W-8BEN-E

Uninvested cash earns uncapped interest at the Central Bank rate, minus a fixed 0.75% fee. Hold euros, pounds or dollars — giving you more control.

Interest is earned daily, paid monthly.
Business use cases
For businesses small and large
From saving on fees to paying you interest, we help you make make the most out of your company funds.
Any size business, any size deposit
Whether you’re a startup, SME or bigger business, future-proof your company’s finances with a business account that gives you access to the world’s markets with no minimum or maximum deposit criteria.
Instant access, low fees
Any size business, any size deposit
You could earn
Forecasts aren’t a reliable indicator of future performance. The interest changes significantly when there's a change to the European Central Bank’s rate. For simplicity, this calculation assumes the interest doesn’t change.
Safe & trusted
Keeping your money safe
Businesses trust Lightyear with their money, this is something we take incredibly seriously.
Multi-country regulationGovernment insuranceWe safeguard your cash with authorised banks & financial institutions

Regulated in the UK by the FCA

We’re currently an appointed representative of RiskSave Technologies LTD, which is authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). But, excitingly, the FCA has recently directly authorised Lightyear. This means there'll be some changes in the near future, which you can read about here.

Regulated in the EU by EFSA

We’re authorised and regulated by the Estonian Financial Supervision Authority (4.1-1/31) and authorised to operate across the European Union.
Who can open a business account?

Who can open a business account?

Our Irish business accounts are here for:

All limited companies registered in Ireland that meet our required terms of service / operate in a non-high risk industry.

If you have more than one business, you can open multiple business accounts with us.

How do I open a business account?

It’s super quick and easy to open up a business account.

All you need to have at hand is your LEI code. If you don’t have an LEI code yet, you can generate one right in the Lightyear app.

You'll also need to get a Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO) extract from the Register of Beneficial Ownership (RBO).

Just jump into the app, navigate to your profile from the top left corner, and you're there. If you don’t currently have a personal account with Lightyear, you’ll need to set that up first. See Opening an account.

How much does it cost to open a business account?

It’s free to open up a business account! We also don’t charge any custody or monthly fees.

Investing through a business is low-cost and priced just like investing from your personal account. We also pay interest on uninvested cash for businesses too.

Check out our full pricing information here.

Can I claim US tax treaty benefits?

You can claim US tax treaty benefits, but it’s optional. Uploading a W-8BEN-E allows you to reduce the tax you pay on dividends from US instruments, but there’s no benefit to that if you:

  • Invest in non-US instruments
  • Invest in non dividend paying US stocks
  • Hold & convert cash We fill in the W-8BEN-E form for you automatically. All you need to do is answer a few questions in the app, and we’ll generate the PDF form for you right there.

Why do I need a Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)?

A Legal Entity Identifier, also known as an LEI, uniquely identifies your business. It's required by law for businesses trading stocks in Europe.

If you’ve already registered an LEI — we’ll find it for you during onboarding, all you need to do is confirm the details.

If you don’t yet have an LEI, you can generate one within the Lightyear app for €45 + VAT.

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