Transfer your portfolio
Investments acquired inside the investment account system can be transferred to your Lightyear investment account, and they’ll remain within the tax efficient system.
When you invest, your capital is at risk. Switching brokers may have cost implications.

Create your account
Initiate a stock transfer
Sit back and relax – we’ll do the rest
Scalable Capital
Where can I transfer my investments over from?
We can accept a transfer from almost any broker that facilitates transfers out of their platform but in the app you'll find a list and guides specific to brokers from which transfers are commonly initiated.
It’s crucial that you initiate a transfer on your current broker’s platform. We can only start processing it once we receive their confirmation. To help you, we have created detailed step-by-step guides here.
Can I bring over investments from another investment account?
Yes, you can bring over cash and instruments from a pre-existing investment account to a Lightyear investment account, without tax liability arising from profits on these assets when sold. You can deposit cash directly between accounts or set up a portfolio transfer to bring over whole-share stocks, funds or bonds — provided they are available on Lightyear.
If you have acquired investments with another provider outside the investment account regime, you can still transfer these over to Lightyear. But those can't be included in the investment account system (unless transferred before 01.01.2024) and hence will be taxed upon selling, i.e. pursuant to the regular regime.