TBSZ Savings Calculator

Use this tool to forecast how much money you could save by opening up a long term investment account (TBSZ), and taking your investment income tax to 0% after five years.

Your Plan

Total Deposits (Ft)
Growth rate
Interest rates are likely to change. For simplicity, this calculator assumes your chosen rate remains stable throughout the selected duration. Lightyear Savings is available in GBP, EUR, and USD.
How you’ll save


Account open date
Show Social tax?
How long?
5 years
5 years = 1 full TBSZ period. A full duration TBSZ lasts for 5 years.

Ft 6,639,996

Account value in 5 years
The journey ahead

Your savings projection

TBSZ (to maturity)
This calculation assumes that rate of return remains constant. If your rate of return isn’t guaranteed, enter estimates to get a rough answer.

Sign-up for the free TBSZ

The Lightyear experience you know and love. No opening, holding or withdrawal fees.

How to use the TBSZ savings calculator

TBSZ accounts were created to encourage long-term investing among Hungarian residents. But how much can you really save with a TBSZ over 6 years? Use our smart and simple TBSZ calculator to find out.
This guide is intended for information use only. The value of any investment can go down as well as up - law, government policy and TBSZ options may also change over time. Consider all your options when it comes to saving and investing, based on your own personal risk appetite and timescales - get professional advice if you need it to make sure your investments work optimally for you.
Our TBSZ savings calculator shows you how much you could save based on different return rates and the tax advantages TBSZ provides. We’ll talk a bit more about how TBSZ works and who’s eligible — but first, a quick look at how to use the calculator to get your personal savings projection.
To use our TBSZ calculator:
  • Enter your total expected annual deposit amount in Hungarian Forint
  • Select the expected growth rate based on your investments within your TBSZ
  • Enter the date on which you have opened the account.
You’ll see the value of your investment over time based on the selected growth rate.

What is a TBSZ?

TBSZ, or Tartós Befektetési Számla, is a tax-advantaged investment account in Hungary designed to promote investing for the long term. TBSZ provides account holders with tax benefits, allowing them to save and invest money while minimising their tax liabilities. Personal income tax drops from 15% to 10% after three years, and to 0% after five years of holding the investments. There may be changes to your payable social tax (szocho) too - keep reading to find out. The funds deposited into TBSZ accounts can be invested in a variety of financial instruments, including stock market instruments like stocks and different funds.
Read more about TBSZ here.
Lightyear offers the only free TBSZ in Hungary, without account opening, holding or withdrawal fees, and allows for account closure at any time. There’s also no maximum contribution allowance within Lightyear’s TBSZ. Users are able to open a TBSZ straight from the Lightyear web or mobile platforms in a couple of clicks — and get started with just 25,000 HUF.

Who is eligible to open a TBSZ

To be eligible for the TBSZ account, you must be over 18 years old, a Hungarian tax resident and reside in Hungary.
Investors can open one TBSZ per calendar year, per provider, for which taxes need to be filed at the end of every year. For example, users can deposit money into their 2025 TBSZ all throughout this year, as the collection period ends on December 31st. After that, they can buy and sell using the money already in this year’s account, but for any new deposits, users have to open up a new TBSZ for 2026.

What about capital gains tax

TBSZ offers tax advantages on capital gains realised from investments held within the account. This includes gains from the sale of stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and other eligible securities. In regular investment accounts, capital gains are taxed at 15% and - if applicable - an additional 13% social tax. Gains realised within a TBSZ are subject to lowered tax rates after three and five years. After three years, income tax is reduced to 10% and social tax to 8%, and after five years both drop to 0%, significantly enhancing the net returns on investments and helping investors achieve their long term financial goals.

Conclusion and summary

TBSZ accounts provide Hungarians with a valuable tool for saving and investing for the future. By offering tax advantages on capital gains, these accounts incentivise individuals to build wealth over the long term. However, as with all financial decisions, it's important to do your research before taking action, to make sure you're making informed investments based on your financial goals and objectives.


When you invest, your capital is at risk. Terms apply, seek guidance if needed. Lightyear does not provide tax advice.