Money market fundsBacked by BlackRock

Make your money work even harder for you, in today’s high interest rate environment.
Get started
When you invest, your capital is at risk
Low risk
Managed by BlackRock
Your money is segregated from Lightyear assets at all times. Available BlackRock funds are AAA rated and have a low risk level of 1 out of 7.
Low pricing
Annual fees of 0.10%. We have money market funds in euros, dollars and pounds.
High liquidity
Instant withdrawals
Due to their regulatory requirements, money market funds are highly liquid. Withdrawals aim to be instant and arrive back into your Lightyear account.
Extend your runway

You could earn

Forecasts are not a reliable indicator of future performance. This calculator assumes investment into money market fund yielding today's rate. The 1-day yield changes slightly day-to-day and significantly when there is a change to the Central Bank rate. For simplicity, this calculation assumes the 1-day yield does not change.
The world’s largest asset manager

Backed by BlackRock

Your money is held in BlackRock’s low-risk money market funds.
Highly rated, low risk
Held in AAA rated, low-risk funds
Your money will be held in a low-risk, interest-paying fund that is managed by BlackRock.
Managed by BlackRock


BlackRock ICS Euro Liquidity Fund (Premier)
View fund

Investing in money market funds is an important part of our treasury management strategy, especially today, with interest rates at a high standstill. BlackRock funds through Lightyear are the best option in the market for this.

At Ready Player Me we’re also using Lightyear to grow our money. There’s a few reasons for this choice: Lightyear offers highly liquid funds at a low cost, plus they’ve made opening and managing of business investment accounts easier than ever before.

Pavel Ruban
Head of Finance
You get what you see

Transparent fees included

To preserve your principal deposit, we deduct these fees from your interest payments.
Fund 1-day yield p.a
The fee
Your interest rate (APR)
Your interest rate (APY)
Not so risky business

Managing risk with money market funds

The BlackRock funds we’ve chosen have a risk level of 1/7 and a AAA credit rating for good reasons.
Strong counterparties & diversified
Credit and concentration risk
The funds we offer have over 300 holdings. Money market fund regulations require that a single holding can’t account for more than 5% of all holdings — making money market funds a very diversified asset class.
Liquidity risk
Interest rate risk

Diversified with over


individual holdings

Safe & trusted

Keeping your money safe

Trusting us with your money is something we do not take for granted.
Multi-country regulationGovernment insuranceSafeguarding your assets

Regulated in the UK by the FCA

We’re currently an appointed representative of RiskSave Technologies LTD, which is authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). But, excitingly, the FCA has recently directly authorised Lightyear. This means there'll be some changes in the near future, which you can read about here.

Regulated in the EU by EFSA

We’re authorised and regulated by the Estonian Financial Supervision Authority (4.1-1/31) and authorised to operate across the European Union.
Frequently asked

Questions a curious person might ask

Are there fees?

The rate shown (3.26% APY) is what you get after the fee of 0.10%, compounded monthly over a year. The fund’s current 1-day yield is 3.31%.

3.31% - 0.10% fees = 3.21% (3.26% when compounded).

What is a money market fund?

A money market fund is a low-risk investment that aims to give you a slightly higher return than cash. Unlike most funds that invest in bonds or shares, it invests in short-term debt.

This short-term debt is bought from by governments, banks and companies with strong balance sheets and high credit ratings. In exchange, they pay interest to the fund.

Lightyear Savings allows you to invest in money market funds. As with all investments, the value can go up as well as down. The yield generated by these funds changes daily and may also move in an unfavourable direction.

The prospectuses and Key Information Documents of these funds are available in our app and website, and on BlackRock’s website.

Who are BlackRock?

BlackRock is the world’s largest asset manager, with over $10 trillion managed for people and businesses across the world.

What countries are MMFs available in?

Money market funds are available in Austria, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Spain and the UK.

It is not currently available in Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Ireland, Greece, Latvia, Malta, Portugal, Slovakia and Slovenia.

How is the APY rate calculated?

APY represents the estimated interest rate you earn over the course of a year, taking into account monthly compounding. Currently, we don’t offer automatic reinvestments, but keep your eyes peeled because this will follow in the coming weeks.

What is the difference between yield for MMFs and interest on uninvested cash?

MMFs allow users to invest in money market funds, earning you yield. On your Lightyear cash balance, you earn interest on your uninvested money. The euro yield for the MMF is 3.26% and interest on uninvested cash is 2.00%.