Moneybox vs Lightyear
Platform fees | Free | 0.45% of holdings per year, plus £1/month |
ETFs - execution fee | Free | Free |
US shares - per order | $1 max 0.1%, min $0.10 | “Free” You’ll pay a 0.45% FX fee |
EU shares - per order | €1 | |
UK shares - per order | £1 | |
Currency conversion (FX) | 0.35% | 0.45% |
Multi-currency |
Is Moneybox safe?
Which is cheaper, Moneybox or Lightyear?
Lightyear and Moneybox differ significantly in their pricing structures.
- Moneybox charges a 0.45% annual platform fee on your portfolio value, plus a £1 monthly subscription fee. The platform fee accrues daily and is charged monthly by selling a portion of your largest holding. Trades in US shares are commission-free but incur a 0.45% FX fee for currency conversion.
- Lightyear charges no platform fees or subscription fees. ETF trades are free with zero execution fees, while US stock trades cost 0.1% up to a maximum of $1 per order. UK and EU stock trades are charged at £1/€1 per order, with an FX fee of 0.35%.
For investors looking to minimise fees, Lightyear offers a simpler and more transparent cost structure. For larger portfolios, percentage-based platform fees like those charged by Moneybox can add up quickly. Additionally, Lightyear supports multi-currency accounts, allowing you to hold and trade in different currencies without unnecessary conversions, further reducing costs.
Is the Moneybox ISA flexible?
No, the Moneybox Stocks & Shares ISA is not flexible. If you withdraw funds during the tax year, you cannot replace them without affecting your annual ISA allowance. For those who prioritize flexibility, a platform offering a flexible ISA might be a better fit. Additionally, Moneybox does not offer a Cash ISA directly within its app, focusing instead on investment-based ISAs.
Lightyear does not currently offer a Stocks & Shares ISA or a Cash ISA. We’ll be launching our ISA before the end of this tax year (by the end of March 2025).
Can I transfer stocks from Moneybox to Lightyear?
Yes, you can transfer stocks from Moneybox to Lightyear. Lightyear accepts transfers of whole shares, provided each position is worth at least £/$/€1,000. Only regular, exercised stocks can be transferred; Lightyear does not accept non-qualified stock options (NSOs).
To start a transfer, read our guide to stock transfers.