Help centre / Managing my Lightyear account / 

Connecting you with the support you need

We understand that everyone’s situation is unique, and sometimes there are personal circumstances that might affect how you manage your finances or interact with us. If there's anything you'd like us to know about that could help us support you better, please don't hesitate to reach out. Whether it’s a health condition, accessibility requirement, or any other personal matter, our team is here to listen and assist where we can.
Remember, you’re not alone.

What you can share

You might find it helpful to let us know about:
  • Accessibility needs: Any specific requirements to help you access our services comfortably
  • Health conditions: Information about any ongoing health issues that might affect your financial management
  • Unexpected life events: Changes in your personal circumstances, such as bereavement or major life changes
  • Mental health: Any challenges you're facing that you feel we should be aware of
  • Domestic or financial abuse: Situations where you need discreet and sensitive handling of your account

How we support you

Safe and discreet communication

Your privacy is important to us. When you share sensitive information, we ensure it remains confidential. You can communicate with our team through our secure channels, knowing that your details are handled with care.

Personalised assistance

We know that you’re the best person to tell us what kind of help you need, so we’re here to listen and follow your lead. Depending on your situation, we might suggest:
  • Account notes: Adding notes to your account so you don't have to repeat your story every time you contact us
  • External resources: Guiding you to professional organisations that can provide additional help
  • Customised communication: Adjusting the way we communicate with you to suit your preferences

You decide

Sharing your information with us is entirely your choice. We’ll never make changes to your account without your permission, and we won’t share your details to anyone outside of the specialised team members that have been trained to assist you. If you decide that you no longer want us to keep certain information, just let us know and we’ll remove it.

How to share your information

Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us if you ever need to talk to someone about your situation, or if you’re unsure how we can help. You can do so by one of the following ways:
  • On this page: The contact option directly below this section
  • Via the app: Either directly in the mobile or web application by navigating to help and support in the settings
  • Via email:
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