Residence | Multi-currency account | US Securities | UK securities | EU securities | ETFs |
Austria Belgium Croatia Cyprus (Republic) Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Portugal Slovakia Slovenia Spain United Kingdom | Local account details for GBP, EUR, and HUF (depending on your local currency) allowing you to deposit, hold, convert and withdraw Ability to convert to and hold USD | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Rest of the world | Not supported yet |
You have to be 18+ and an eligible person currently residing in the United Kingdom or select European countries to use our services today. Read more about what you’ll need to sign up your personal account here and about our business accounts here.
See what instruments we offer in our Stock screener and Fund screener.
Products or services available to you vary depending on where you reside:
We unfortunately can’t offer you our services if you reside outside of the UK or the above listed EU countries but, fear not, we’re working hard on expanding. As well, if you are a citizen or tax resident of the United States, or if certain legal or regulatory restrictions apply in other cases, we can’t offer you our products or services just yet.
At the moment, we don’t offer options, CFDs, futures trading, short-selling, or pre-market and after-hours trading.